Seakeeper eliminates up to 95% of boat roll. Gone are the days of seasick guests, sea legs and spilled drinks. Seakeeper ensures everyday on the boat is a comfortable one.

How it Works
Inside a vacuum encapsulation, a flywheel spins at speeds of up to 9,750 rpm. When the boat rolls, the gyro tilts fore and aft (precesses), producing a powerful gyroscopic torque to port and starboard that counteracts the boat roll.
Frequently Asked Questions
It is a computer controlled gyroscope that eliminates most boat roll, including the fatigue, anxiety and seasickness that goes with it. Because of this game changing effect, PR Nautica have successfuly installed over 30 Seakeeper units worldwide.
Typically, the Seakeeper weighs between 2 and 4% of boat weight, requires half or less the power of air conditioning, and fits in available space down in the after part of the hull. Nothing extends outside the hull and the Seakeeper is a small percentage of the overall volume of the boat.
Seakeepers are sutiable for most boats 30 feet and above. PR Nautica can install the best option on new vessels and as a retro project.
Up to 20 tons, vessels 30-50′: Seakeeper 5
Up to 35 tons, vessels 50-65′: Seakeeper 9
Up to 70 tons, vessels 65-80′ : Seakeeper 16
Up to 100 tons, vessels 80-100′: Seakeeper 26
Greater than 100 tons, vessels >100′: Seakeeper 35
Yes, we can fit Seakeepers to both new vessels and aftermarket. The time of a retrofit installtion will vary depending on the Seakeeper and the model of the vessel. Typical installation time is 1-3 weeks. Get in touch for a custom quotation.
Seakeeper Demo Boat
To truly understand how Seakeeper technology can transform your boating experience, nothing beats trying it for yourself. Watching videos or reading sea trial reports is helpful, but experiencing it firsthand is unmatched.
PR Nautica invites you to test the Seakeeper 1 on a Jeanneau Cap Camarat and see its amazing performance in action.
Contact us today to schedule your demonstration sea trial!